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Don’t Let Conducting Business Cause You To Fail Your Customers

by | Nov 1, 2012 | Digital Marketing

This is the time of the year when I (probably like most people) reflect back on the past 11 months. I ponder my accomplishments, the goals that fell to the wayside and of course, those people (especially my clients) that have touched my life this year. I wonder if they know how much they are truly appreciated. The question I am left with is “What could I have done better?”

This year, I am convinced that one thing I could have done better was to show my clients my gratitude for trusting me with at least a portion of their marketing dollars. I could have done a better job ensuring they know, without a doubt, how much I value them.

I’m going to make a huge assumption here that I’m not the only person who gets caught up in the everyday “business as usual” mentality and falls short on showing my appreciation. Here are some suggestions that may help to help stimulate some ideas and transform your thinking from “all business” to “how to show customers gratitude”.

Send an old fashion, hand written card. Nothing beats a good old-fashioned thank you card. In the digital age, getting something tangible in the mail means everything. When they see your signature, customers will know you are truly grateful for their business.

Send a meaningful gift. Maybe just as effective as a card, consider sending them a gift. Do you know what your customers are interested in? If not, find out. Send a gift that reflects this intimate knowledge. This thoughtful gesture tells them that you are not only thankful for your business but that you are also interested in them as a person.

Thank your customers publicly. Did they “like” you on Facebook or “follow” you on Twitter? Make them glad that they did. Thank them, providing a link to their profiles, and say something nice about them. Let the world know that you are honored to have done business with them.

Send them a referral. What better way is there to say “Thank-You!” than to send business their way.

Pick up the phone just to say, “Thanks”. Such a simple gesture often gets overlooked.

I love my clients and I’m sure you love yours but do our customers, clients and patients know how much we value them?

There are hundreds of ways for you to express your gratitude. I want to hear some of your ideas on how to thank customers and how you would like to be thanked, http://www.facebook.com/DirectiveGroup


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