From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated from a piece by an industry thought leader. Here, Michelle discusses the recent HubSpot article by Meghan Keaney Anderson.
As a parent I was adamant that my 12 year old son was not going to be on SnapChat. Like Megan Keaney Anderson says in her blog , I was one of the doubters for a long time due to the mess of confusion surrounding the app. I fell victim to the hype that it was an app in which teenagers exchange goofy self-destructing videos and wanted my son to have no part in it.
In the past few months, I found myself realizing that I need to get with the times! Ms. Keaney Anderson does a great job of talking about the app and why businesses should start to think more seriously about it today.
Big time businesses like the NBA, Fashion Week and the Academy Awards have all braved the SnapChat waters and lived to tell about their tremendous success. The app is a fantastic tool for delivering access to live events, promotions and contests.
With 100 million daily active users and more than 5 billion videos shared on the app each day, if your target market isn’t using SnapChat today, they will be soon so it would be a good idea to start building it into your marketing plan before your competition.