In this episode of Actionable Marketing In Minutes we discuss some video trends you should pay attention to in 2017.

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Let me start with some really interesting information published by Cisco mid-2016:

* It is predicted that by 2018, 80% of all internet traffic will be video, up 64% from 2014.

* Smartphone traffic will exceed PC internet traffic by 2020, and global internet traffic will be equivalent to a whopping 95x the volume of the entire global internet in 2005.

* By 2020, a million minutes of video will cross the internet EACH SECOND.

* The CAGR of consumer internet video consumption for 2015-2020 is trending at 27% on a fixed network, 62% over mobile.

Here are some additional facts you might think about:

* YouTube is considered a search engine, and is the second most used, only behind Goggle.

* Video advertisements CTR in 2015 was 1.84%, the highest of all digital ad formats.

* 46% of people say that videos ads should be fewer than 15 seconds.

Video, and more broadly, what is called ‘visual content’ will become an incredibly important part of your marketing mix in the next few years. So the question is: where to focus your efforts and what to do.


We’ve got some ideas for you. But first, I’d like to mention that we have a great ebook about how to be more effective in social media, including the types of content to post, the recommended frequency, and even times of day to post. By platform. Just a starting point. Go to our cast notes and click on the link to download your free copy of these best practices today.

OK, a few ideas for ways to leverage trends for visual content, particularly video:

1. Get going with the basics: B2B and B2C consumers consume video, particularly on mobile devices. Your products and services should have video descriptions, you should have a videos of your ‘why’ and ‘about us’ elements of your business. If you’ve not yet done this, do it now.

2. Familiarize yourself with new platforms. Real time story telling is now possible with the introduction of Meerkat and Periscope in 2015. Are you going to be a leader or a laggard in connecting with your audience with these new live-stream social channels?

3. Try GIFs and real short videos. Six to ten seconds for use on social platforms. People now have attention spans of less than eight seconds, and movement catches the eye. Try it for snaps about your brand or offerings.

4. Home page videos. If you have a highly visual product… heck, even if you don’t, consider testing a home page OR landing page video. See Outback Steakhouse’s Rewards landing page example or check out these home page videos at MYProvence tourism website and Y.CO yacht website.

5. Put videos in email marketing. Now that email is greatly consumed on mobile, pair this fact with the great consumption of video on mobile and voilà, you have the next great idea. Some swear by it, saying that promotion of training (how-to) or product videos can increase both open rates and customer loyalty to your brand.


Bottom line, now is the time to experiment with videos and video advertising. Let us know what works for you or what you’ve tried that didn’t work in the podcast comments section on our website or on Twitter.

We hope you’ve found this information helpful. Please connect with us on Twitter @DirectiveGroup or on LinkedIn. Let us know what you think and what you’d like to hear about next. And if you like our podcasts please share with your networks using hashtag #actionablemarketing.

Join us next time as we discuss why your content marketing is not working.