Internet has become the most important and vital source of information for everyone around the world. Now people prefer to search everything online, instead of looking at directories and going through Yellow Pages. If you already have an online business presence, you...
Your resource for digital marketing insight.

Rich Snippets: An SEO Strategy to Improve Your Website’s SEO Performance
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies change regularly as search engines like Google continue to modify their algorithms to improve results. And businesses care about quality website traffic, with improved click-through rates for search results that impact the...

3 Psychological Principals to Increase User Engagement on Facebook
Facebook is the undisputed king of all social media. Americans spend more time on Facebook than any other site. In 2016 alone, Facebook had nearly 2 billion active users (read more). While many of us are avid recreational Facebook users, not many people know how...

7 Must-have Metrics for Google Analytics
Google Analytics is an amazing tool that every business with a website can take advantage of. This works by collecting data on how your visitors are using your website. BUT… simply using this tool blindly will not help you receive any insights into your audience. You...
3 Ways to Be Happily Engaged at Work – Commentary
From time to time DirectiveGroup team members will comment on a piece of content they see online. In this post, Kim Figor gives her opinion on 3 Ways to Be Happily Engaged at Work an article from, written by Alexander Maasik. Recently, I’ve spent a...