Featuring Google's recent announcement to block all the cookies for ad Targeting from its chrome browser in 2022, Apple has also given directives to its Safari browser to do the same. This seems a bigger change as it becomes the first mainstream browser to obstruct...
analytics data management
3 Steps to Using Automation to Keep Personalized Digital Marketing Alive
From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated from a piece by an industry thought leader. Here, our Director of Paid Marketing, Kim Figor, discusses a Forbes. article by Forbes Councils Member, Anna Luo “3 Steps to Using Automation to Keep...
Best Practices: How to Get Answers from Google Analytics Intelligence
GA intelligence is just one big algorithm, otherwise known as a set of problem solutions, that makes it easier for companies to gather meaningful insight from Google Analytics software.
Setting up Google Analytics: the Basics
As we enter the digital age, it’s become vital for businesses to develop a close understanding of their client’s unique desires, behavior, and demographics. Customer analytics is one of the most powerful signals that informs a company’s client-based interactions over time.
Predictive Analytics: Improving Marketing Results
With the influx of AI and big data, marketers now have powerful analytics tools at their disposal. Data-driven insights are used to enhance marketing efforts at every stage of the marketing funnel, with one of the most effective ones being predictive analytics. Let's...