Many marketers who consider Google Analytics 360 (GA360), no matter how briefly, rule it out as an option when they see the price tag. From a brief overview of the features, GA360 offers, most can't muscle their way past the six-figure cost. Marketers are used to...
analytics data management
[Blog Abstract] Digital strategy: The four fights you have to win
Commentary on McKinsey article about how to implement an effective digital strategy, and specifically how to fight the barriers to success: ignorance, fear, guesswork and diffusion.
2019 Trends in Data & Data Management for Marketers
Discovering the new answer to the age-old question of "How can I generate more sales at a lower cost" will be key for marketing managers to master in 2019. More than ever before, this year data will lead the way. Without a doubt, the future of marketing is intimately...
Is your data working for you… or are YOU working for your data?
We live in the age where information and data analysis has become key to good business practice. The goal is simple: Gain understanding of precise attribution, in a timely fashion, to learn which marketing campaigns lead to higher conversions and lower acquisition...
The New Transparency: Are You a Data ‘Have’ or ‘Have-Not’?
From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated by content from an industry thought leader. Here, our CEO, Lisa Maier, discusses the recent AdAge article, “THE NEW TRANSPARENCY: ARE YOU A DATA 'HAVE' OR 'HAVE-NOT'?” by Julie Fleischer, Neustar. Love...