From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated by content from an industry thought leader. Here, our CEO, Lisa Maier, discusses the recent CXL Institute article, “Marketing and Growth Lessons for Uncertain Times” by Derek Gleason. So, I have a split...
business strategy process
6 Ways Leaders Stay Focused At Work
From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated from a piece by an industry thought leader. Here, our Director of Paid Marketing, Kim Figor, discusses a Forbes. article by Senior Contributor Forbes Women, Avery Blank “6 Ways Leaders Stay Focused At...
[Blog Abstract] Applying psychological and art principles to web design
From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated by content from an industry thought leader. Here, our Project Manager of Web Development, Irina Boudreau, discusses the recent article by Peep Laja at ConversionXL, “8 Web Design Principles to Know in...
Why Google Analytics 360 is Worth It
Many marketers who consider Google Analytics 360 (GA360), no matter how briefly, rule it out as an option when they see the price tag. From a brief overview of the features, GA360 offers, most can't muscle their way past the six-figure cost. Marketers are used to...
So Now You Want To Deliver Great Customer Experiences?
If you are a marketer, manager, or marketing executive, you are probably always looking for innovative methods to improve your customer experience marketing as the result of extremely satisfied consumers is usually a more profitable business. In order to make the...