It comes as no surprise that engaging your customers is a vital part of securing their business, but how do you get started doing that online? If you think about it, most websites you visit invite your participation in ways that go beyond simply reading a page. The...
conversion rate optimization
Out of the Blogging Boneyard: Reviving Your Business’s Blog, Pt. 1
Do you have a business website? If so, chances are good that you also have a blog page, after hearing how important they are for SEO and building customer rapport. And, if you elected to go it alone instead of hiring marketing experts to write for you, the chances are...
Five Things You Can Do To Double Your Website Conversion
There are many reasons why prospects don’t take action when they land on a website, but we choose five (non-technical) things you can improve to increase website conversion almost immediately. Read through the five and then take a look at your website. Where can you...
Trust and Credibility…Critical in Today’s Marketplace
The volatility of the global marketplace; the economy, terrorism, political corruption, corporate scandals, scam artists, and more have left us feeling uncertain, unsafe and not knowing who to trust anymore. People only want to buy from companies that have credibility...
Don’t Break Your Online Content Vows
As a marketing copywriter, I have 2 very important goals for every writing project: Educate consumers about the advantages of your product or service and help them understand what problems you solve. Help them understand why you are the best choice to solve their...