Whether you maintain your website in-house or partner with a digital agency for your online projects, the responsibility of ensuring ADA compliance for your website ultimately falls on you. A mandate in Title III of the ADA states that all “places of public...
digital marketing
YouTube, New Opportunities for Today
As we spend more time at home, viewer attention is shifting even more to online entertainment options. People are streaming on TV screens and using their mobile devices to watch their favorite shows more than ever, and that is opening additional opportunities for...
How to Plan for a Successful Website Redesign
A Redesign Checklist for You Remember when you had your first website designed? You were excited, happy, and proud to have a digital representation of your brand. Now some time has passed and you are rebranding your company. That means you need to have a website...
Worst Brand Blunders of 2019
The purpose of branding is to build connections with prospective and current customers. They want to understand the who and the what behind the company they do business with. Although they're making a financial investment into a company, the brand allows them to make...
Blog Abstract: Marketing & Business Strategy in Uncertain Times
From time to time, team members will share their views stimulated by content from an industry thought leader. Here, our CEO, Lisa Maier, discusses the recent CXL Institute article, “Marketing and Growth Lessons for Uncertain Times” by Derek Gleason. So, I have a split...