Before I ever watched a single TED video (or even knew what it was), I saw huge red and black TED banners, draped on the street lights in Downtown Long Beach. I was on my way to the gym, and told myself, I’d Google it when I returned home. Well I forgot about TED and...
search engine optimization
Google Encrypting 100% of Keywords and What it Means For SEO?
Has the increase in (not provided) data affected your on-line marketing efforts? For those unfamiliar with “not provided” data, let’s dive into the past for a moment. The year is 2011. Google announces that it will encrypt keyword searchers for users who are logged...
Out of the Blogging Boneyard: How to Buff Your Blog and Build Your Business, Part 2
Even with all the changes in social media and search engine algorithms, a business website's blog remains one of its best marketing tools. Blogs can inform and educate potential customers about your company and help you build a strong rapport with your audience, not...
5 Online Marketing Tips | How To Find Your Pot Of Gold
A few weeks ago, my 6 year old daughter came home from school more excited than usual. With wide-eyes and a high pitch tone, she said to me, “Mommy, mommy, I have a great idea!” I stopped what I was doing and gave her my full attention. She then continued, “If we find...
Why Social Signs Are Important for Your SEO Campaign
Social Media Marketing is all the buzz in today's internet marketing space. With the evolution of SEO, Google is now taking into consideration "social signs" into its algorithm for ranking websites in the SERPs (search engine results pages). Social media marketing (as...