Many small business owners find it difficult enough to keep up with website updates and blog content. We all know that you need to keep your content current and your blog rolling, but a large majority go beyond that and integrate social media into their marketing...
social media marketing
Whatever Else You Do, Integrate Twitter With Business Marketing In 2015
Businesses often wonder how much 140 characters are worth in terms of a general marketing plan, but Twitter continues to be a social media powerhouse. From the time the Ellen DeGeneres selfie broke Twitter on Oscar night this year, it was obvious to all marketers that...
5 Holiday Marketing Tips For Facebook
Everyone knows that Facebook is a huge boon for any small business. We all know that you have to have a presence on the popular social network in order to stay connected with your followers and clientele, but most business owners miss a valuable opportunity when it...
Lessons Learned: #AlexFromTarget
I am #alexfromtarget Following everyone that retweets this! — Alex Lee (@itsacl163) November 4, 2014 If you have been paying attention this week, you will know that a picture of a young man working at Target, Alex, has been going viral....
Business: Getting Back To The Future
In the movie franchise Back To The Future, Doc and Marty McFly go into the future, and bring back technology, aiming to utilize future technology in the current or historic world (watch BTTF 3). In Terminator, technology from the future is transported back in time to...