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8 Key Reasons your Business Wants a WordPress Website

by | Dec 7, 2022 | Digital Marketing, Website Management

The WordPress Website

With so many different options available to build your business’ website, it may be difficult to choose a platform. You know you want a secure website that is easy for your team to collaborate on. You want the freedom to customize your website, but you also don’t want to pay a developer every time you need a small change.  The answer is WordPress Website.

So, what is WordPress? 

WordPress is a Content Management System

WordPress is a Content Management System, or CMS, allowing you to easily create, manage, modify, and publish content – rather than coding each change.

WordPress consists of the back end (where all your website changes are made) and the front end (what your website visitors see).  

Here are 8 Reasons Your Business Wants WordPress Website

1. Cost-Effective  

WordPress is free! There is a lot of free content available, as well as paid options and upgrades.

Your business will still need to pay for your domain name and hosting and any custom programming, but WordPress is one of the best free CMS you can use. 

2. Straightforward and Easy to Use

Even the most non-technical members of the team should be comfortable with WordPress’ editor.

Also, navigating WordPress is intuitive on the administrative back end, and changes are easily made. Edits, large or small, can be done easily through a few mouse clicks – no developer needed.

3. Search Engine and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly

WordPress makes it easy for search engines like Google and Bing to crawl your website’s data.

Additional plugins for WordPress can enhance your site’s SEO even further. Of course, nothing can replace an SEO expert like DirectiveGroup’s SEO team, but WordPress helps even novices with SEO. 

 4. Responsive Web Design

Many users are browsing the web on mobile devices, which is why optimizing your website for mobile is extremely important.

Lot of themes for WordPress are automatically mobile responsive, which is extremely important for SEO purposes and in keeping up with the mobile device trend. 

5. WordPress website is customizable 

We can customize your website with the right developers, such as the ones from DirectiveGroup.

Please contact us to discuss your goals and ideas for your website. 

6. Website Security

Plugins are available to enhance the security of your website to ensure not only legitimate users logging in, but also from website brute-force attacks, malware, and hacking attempts.

Security plugins are also designed to provide you with complete reports so you always know the status of your website as well as having the ability to scan your website for common threats. 

 7. WordPress Website has Built-in Blog

Ultimately, WordPress is a blog, which is an important part of SEO and a great addition to your website.  

 8. Easy Collaboration

Multiple users can access and work in the backend of WordPress, and with multiple user permissions, you can mitigate any risks of users changing settings they shouldn’t.

Multiple levels of access give you control and allow you to assign what users can and cannot do in the blog. 

Conclusion about WordPress Website

There are many advantages to using the WordPress platform – from customizability to ease of use; WordPress is the perfect platform for your business’ website.  

If you’d like a WordPress website built for your business, contact us today for a free quote. We look forward to hearing from you! 


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