One of my colleagues here at DirectiveGroup when asked to review a potential client’s website had this response, “At first glance I feel like the font is yelling at me. No bold. Bold makes me feel even more like I am being scolded.” I‘d venture to say, she did not feel there was a good user experience! How many visitors do you think bounced off that website almost immediately?
There are two important website design elements when you think about your website: The User Experience (UX) and The User Interface (UI) or Interaction.
Is your website clear and easy to use? A powerful program that has a poorly designed user interface has little value.
There should be one primary goal per page and you should be asking these questions:
- Who is my ideal audience?
- Where do I want to send them on my site?
- What call to action will best direct users to the primary goal?
Prioritizing is much easier once you know your audience and their goals. With a little prioritization, your screens can become cleaner, crisper, and far more commanding. (50 User Experience Best Practices, Above the Fold)
The user interface for a website is meant to be used, creating an environment with the ability for your visitors to easily and efficiently connect and most of all, achieve the desired results. In many ways, it’s all about how you humanize your computer interactions.
“Like an invisible hand, a web interface should guide users through the experience at the speed of thought. “ (UXPin) Is your website user friendly, self-explanatory and does it move people through to get the desired action… a phone call, purchase, download or a form filled out.
Great user interface design should lead to a great user experience and best of all, great ROI!
Is your website clear and easy to use? How does your website make people feel?